A Woman’s Place?

Growing up, I felt that being a homemaker was what I was supposed to do (if being an actress didn’t work out). My mom was a stay at home mom and my dad worked. I knew very few moms that worked outside the home. And, honestly, that’s what I wanted to do. I wanted to get married, start a family and be home with my babies. It’s very different today. Many, maybe most, women/moms work, whether they want to or don’t.

I got married at 19, had my first baby at 21 and my second at 23. Scott was a youth pastor so money was super tight (youth pastors don’t make much money, as you probably know). But I was doing what I thought I’d always wanted to do….being a mom and wife. I cleaned, I cooked, I took care of the kids. That was my job. And for the most part, I was so happy doing it and really have never regretted it.


But, there was always a part of me that wanted more. I felt like everyone knew me as Cody and Zach’s mom and Scott’s wife. I felt I really had no other identity. I would always dream about what I could do to make a difference and contribute, but didn’t know how. I would work little part time jobs while the kids were in school, but nothing I was passionate about. I think this is a common feeling for many women that make the choice to stay home with their kids. I never thought that I could have a career and be a good mom.

Today, there is more opportunity than ever before for women in the workplace to step up and lead. Women are doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, CEOs, etc. Much more today, men are doing more to help with kids and it’s been amazing to see the changes over the years as rolls have evolved. It’s taken me a long time to realize that I can do anything I want in this world. I do not have to stand in the background and just watch. I have my own business now and love what I get to do, but I’m on a mission to do more! There’s a quote by Sheryl Sandberg that says, “Women need to shift from thinking, ‘I’m not ready to do that,’ to thinking, ‘I want to do that, and I’ll learn by doing it.’” We just need to be willing to get out and go after what we want!

So where is a woman’s place to lead? It’s wherever she wants it to be. If staying home with kiddos makes her happy, that’s great! If working outside the home is more fulfilling, good for her! If the corporate rat race is exhilarating, awesome! If building an online business from home part time or full time gives her more freedom to have the best of both worlds, yay!

I love this quote and don’t know who first said it: “I want every little girl who’s told she’s bossy, to be told instead she has leadership skills.” Women leaders are needed everywhere. They have something to offer in our homes, in our jobs, and in our communities. We know many famous women leaders that stand out….Oprah Winfrey, Katie Couric, Michelle Obama, Mother Teresa, just to name a few. The ones we don’t always hear or see are the ones doing great things every day, without the recognition. I’m thankful for women in my own life who have shown me what true leadership looks like and have helped me realize my potential and that my voice is needed in this world.



Perfection and Pain


Outward Focused Commitments