Chasing the Dream

This week on my podcast (Shift Change) I invited my niece, Morgan Rothwell Harding, to share about her life in New York City. She and her husband are chasing a dream of performing on Broadway. It’s a big dream and one that has required adjustment, sacrifice, and trust. Those aren’t always easy lessons to learn, but it did get me thinking about what we learn when we’re willing to chase the dream and move outside of our comfort zone.

Change is Natural and Change is Good

Let’s be honest most folks don’t like change and yet, change is very much a natural part of life. The seasons change and remind us that not all change is bad. In many cases, change is a good thing. It keeps us from becoming complacent and set in our ways. It allows us to see the world through a different set of eyes, recognizing how others live.  

Failure isn’t always Bad

We hopefully learn from our failures. We gain insight into what we could and perhaps should have done different. Failures cause us to reflect and make us stronger. It doesn’t matter if it is in work, looking for a job, a career choice, or even a relationship. Hopefully we’re learning as we fail.

Adventure offers a different View

One of the things I love most about adventures is the ability to see the world from a completely different vantage point. Sometimes, it’s views of the landscape and in other moments it is the relationship that provides new insight and understanding of others. Moving beyond your comfort zone and meeting new people allow you to hear their perspectives and see the world as they see it.

Deeper Relationships

One of the greatest joys for me personally in moving to new places has been life changing relationships.  Katie and I have lived in seven different cities, and while I’m sure we’ve missed some things by not living in the same place, I am forever grateful for the many friends I’ve made over the years. These are people who have shaped my understanding of the world, people who have invested in me and encouraged me in my life and people that stood beside me in cancer and cared for me in ways I never imagined.


Don’t miss your chance to chase your dream and live the big adventure.


Career Transitions


Intentional Leadership