Ready, Set, Blog!

Why write a blog? How many people will actually read this thing? Who does this really benefit? Those are all the questions I’ve asked myself as Katie and I begin this journey. They are valid questions to be asked.

As I begin this process, I find that I am writing this primarily for me. That’s not to say that this is a private journal that I hope no one reads. If anything, I want it to be an honest expression of my life, career, struggles, faith, and journey. I’m hoping that a transparent conversation will benefit me and others. That communicating life will inspire and encourage others who hare walking a similar path.

Katie and I will write each week regarding a different topic or subject. Some of the things that we will openly write about in the coming days are things such as faith, the church, health, wellness, career, relationships, and a plethora of other issues. They are subjects that all of us live within. Relationships and topics that all of us can relate to, and yet often struggle with.

I promise that I will be open, honest, and transparent as we write and talk, but I will not be mean, disrespectful or bully others with my thoughts. This is not my chance or anyone else’s to vent, argue, or disrespect others. My words will serve only to act an honest reflection of my life and encouragement to others. Please know that if anything ever strikes a chord with you, I’m always willing to talk. Thanks for joining us in this journey.


The Art of Transitioning