The Times They Are a-Changin’

One of my favorite Bob Dylan songs is The Times they are a Changin. It is a song I’ve listened to for years. It simply states at the end of each verse this simple line, “For the times they are a-changin”. Nothing ever stays the same. Life is always moving, shifting and changing.

If you’ve read any of our previous blogs you know that Katie and I are the kind of people that enjoy change. We actually believe that change can be a positive thing and provide us (anyone really) with new and fresh opportunities to build relationships and grow personally. For us, change has been a good thing. Thus, “The Times they are a Changin” again!!!

I’ve taken a new job with One World Health as the Vice President of Development. My new role begins November 1st. This is the website for the organization They/we build clinics in Uganda, Nicaragua, and Honduras that can be completely self-sustaining within 18-24 months. It is a proven model that works and allows local medical leaders to serve and care for their own communities.

One World Health is based out of Charleston SC, and I will be traveling about 80-100 days a year. Oklahoma City will continue to be mine and Katie’s home base, but we are looking into downsizing in OKC and buying a condo in Charleston. It is an exciting time to serve with an organization that is making a difference in the most difficult places of the world. I believe that it fits well with my mission and calling, allowing me to serve in ways that connect with my background, gifts, and graces. These are good men and women doing important work where others are often unable. I am thrilled to be joining the team.

I am excited about the work, the mission, and even the adventure. I always enjoy the travel and Katie’s Arbonne business allows her to work from anywhere. She can actually do her job from any continent or state. In many ways, it is a great opportunity for her and I to introduce Arbonne to folks who have never heard of the products and business.

The difficult part in this is saying goodbye to my wonderful friends at the INTEGRIS Foundation. I am forever grateful for the people at INTEGRIS. These last 2 years have been a time of healing, laughter, and amazing friendships. The team of individuals I’ve worked with have been of the highest caliber and integrity. They are a group of people that cheer for each other and are always willing to help. They want to see each other succeed and will do whatever is needed to help them achieve that end. I am beyond blessed to call them friends. All of you will be missed, but I hope to share life with you in the days ahead.

As always, thanks for joining us on the journey. Times are changing and life will look a little different moving forward, but the relationships make it well worth the effort. Thanks for being a part of our lives.


Living in New and Needed Space


Living to Empower and Inspire