How do you get people to care?

We all care about something, right? We care about…

  • Our health

  • Our bank account

  • Our college football team

  • What people think

  • Those who love and care about us

So how do you get people to care about the things you care about? That was the question posed to me several weeks ago on a podcast with my friend Matt Gonsalves. Matt has a podcast called, “One Questions with Matt G.” It’s a great podcast. You ought to take a listen.

You can listen to this specific podcast on Shift Change as well. We shared it in both locations.

So back to your question, “How do you get people to care?” Well, here are a few thoughts…

1)     Just share the story. I always look for the opportunity to share what I care about and sometimes I find that what I care about, others care about as well. When we find commonality in that moment, it creates a great opportunity to make a difference.

2)     Don’t take it personal if someone doesn’t care about the same things as you. Saying “I don’t care” doesn’t mean I don’t care about you; it just means I don’t care about the same thing as you. Too many people take that as personal afront. It’s not meant to be though. Don’t get mad. Don’t make it personal.

3)     Caring is contagious. When you choose to care, others will follow. Even if they don’t care about the same thing, you will find that your willingness to care encourages others to act. Don’t be afraid to tell others what really matters to you in a kind and gracious way.

Thanks for caring! I hope you have a great start to the new year.


Why vs. Where


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