Mission and Purpose

Businesses go to great lengths to determine their mission, but seldom do we as individuals stop to consider that question in our own personal lives. This can be a major failure on our part. Leaving that question unanswered puts, us in a place where we find ourselves chasing dreams that have no real impact, serving in roles that are unfulfilling, or investing in things that have no significant value. We wake up to realize we have possessions, status, and careers, but have invested in things that will not last. Our marriages are a mess, our kids are absent, and our relationships have no real meaning. Everything is surface there is no depth in our lives.

Understanding your mission (purpose), vision (passion), and values allows you to turn your focus toward things that really matter to you and carry the impact you desire. With that said, here are a few things to keep in mind as you work to answer the mission/passion question.


1.     Defines who we are.

2.     Determines why we are here.

3.     Establishes the legacy you want to leave.

4.     Should be short and sweet.

5.     Typically, does not change.


Here are some simple steps to take toward figuring out your mission.

1.     Consider your gifts and graces.

2.     Consider your personality. Take a personality test if you haven’t taken one.

3.     Seek the wisdom of those you trust the most.

4.     Write things down…your reflections.

5.     Share your statement with someone else.


How do you get people to care?


Making Friends and Networking