Uncommon Leadership by Common People

Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of leaders about a project I’ve been working on. Our discussion centered around the common, everyday people who were making significant impacts in the world.

Most of the time the world tells us that it is the prominent, well-known individual that is making the greatest difference. We constantly read books, stories, and articles about well-known leaders (former presidents for example) who are making an impact. We hear reports and podcasts with professional/Olympic athletes or multi-millionaires who are seemingly changing the world with their fortunes. But are these really the people who are making the biggest difference?

Have you ever stopped to think about who is really making the biggest impact on your life and leadership? I would bet that for most of us, it is a family member, friend, colleague, or mentor. It is someone who we have watched, observed, and shared life with. In fact, I believe it is often the most common people in our lives who are making the biggest difference.

In talking, working, and interviewing countless individuals I have found these things to be true when it comes to “uncommon leadership by common people.” They are men and women who have a strong inward focus and clarity regarding who they are as people. They have well defined habits or behaviors. And finally, they are driven to engage others in unique ways.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll speak to all of these, but I want to start with the inward focus first.

Inward Focus

Those who have this ability to do uncommon things share some specific qualities when it comes to who they are as people. Without exception, they are men and women who possess high levels of courage, kindness, generosity, and humility. These are not simply practices or habits, they are qualities that define their lives and engagement with others:


Plato understood courage as the knowledge of what is and is not to be feared. I am always amazed at how fear impacts and drives our decisions; the level at which fear can be a debilitating force for all of us. Yet, courage allows us to take the calculated risk and face the unknown. We often see those who make the biggest impact as lucky or fortunate, while in reality, they are courageous and willing to face their fears.


Kindness is more than simply being nice. Kindness is defined by seeing, believing, and wanting the best for the other. The leader doing uncommon things has the unique ability to see the best in others and to speak truth in the most difficult times in gracious ways. Unfortunately, this idea of kindness has become a lost art in our current culture where division and harshness are rewarded and celebrated.


This is much more than money. This is the ability to share joyfully and passionately with others what you have and who you are. The leader doing uncommon things is generous with their time, space, money, self, their beliefs, and views of others. Their generosity allows them to live in authentic and honest ways with others, offering a level of transparency that few of us see on a day-to-day basis. And in a Facebook/Instagram world, all of us are looking for the authentic person. (If you haven’t figured it out, I believe that authenticity is a direct reflection of generosity.)


Humility is one of the most elusive things in life. How does one admit or claim to be humble? Yet, the uncommon leader possesses a level of humility that allows them to lead not from power or position, but from an inner strength and belief in the other. They want to see others succeed and celebrate the accomplishments of those around them.

These are the kinds of qualities we often miss and overlook in others and yet, they prove time and again to be the qualities of those making the biggest impact.

Who is the common leader in your life doing uncommon things?


The Actions of the Uncommon Leader


The Beginning