Choosing the Best

It’s hard because so many people cannot be brought to realize that when B is better than C, A may be even better than B. They like thinking in terms of good and bad, not good, better and best, or bad, worse, and worst. – C.S. Lewis – Mere Christianity – pg. 95


Perhaps, you’re like me. I grew up in a kind and generous Christian home. My parents were good parents. They cared deeply for my sister and me. They worked hard and tried to ensure that the two of us grew up to be the best people possible. We attended church every time the doors were open.

Through those years I met some wonderful people, folks who changed my life for the good and individuals who cared deeply for me. It was a world described as primarily black and white. I often heard one pastor I worked for say, “There is no gray, everything is black and white.” In the North American Protestant Evangelical world, there was always (and still is) this idea that everything is black and white. There is no gray.

Yet, what I found was that most of life was gray. Very few things are actually black and white, even within the church. The church often rails against murder and yet we will happily support wars against innocent people around the globe. Many in the church would fight valiantly against abortion and yet ignore, and even shun, the child and mother once the child is born (on issues of responsibility) at the cost of the child’s long-term future. All of this means that while the church often talks about black and white, they live as if very few things are black and white.

C.S. Lewis reminds us that there is a better way to see the world than simply black and white. He challenges us to see the world through the view of good, better, and best. Often, we settle for the good or good enough. Periodically some will move to the better…better than I was before or better than some other individual. Yet, all of us are called to choose and live our best.


Choose what’s best. Best is what benefits me.  – Marcus Aurelius – Mediations – pg. 31


Choosing the best for our life makes all the difference. We don’t have to settle, nor should we settle, for the good enough or better than it was before. We can find and live into the best version of ourselves.

 This book, while it addresses the path to resiliency and overcoming obstacles, it is ultimately about finding your best life in the worst situations. Life is hard, but you don’t have to settle for good enough and you don’t have to look for a better way. You can choose what’s best and it will benefit you more than you know. You can find a joy, peace, and love that make life worth living no matter the circumstances.

 As you start this book/series/class I want to encourage you to envision, seek, and live into the best version of you. You can choose the best!


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