Kid Time

A few weeks ago, our niece stayed with us for a couple of days while her parents were out of town. We had fun!  We ate pizza, ice cream, went on a walk and watched Madeline (I believe that’s right) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. One of the mornings, I dropped her off at school and watched her walk in for another day with teachers and friends.

All of this reminded me of the things I ran past, overlooked, hurried through, and hoped would end, only to now wish I had treasured those times more in the moment. I guess that is the impact of age and cancer. They cause you to re-think some of those simple moments with your kids that have become significant in the rearview mirror life. Things like…

·      Catch in the back yard

·      Holding their hand

·      Carrying one of the boys on my shoulder through Disney instead of renting a $50 stroller

·      Hearing their name called for recognition at a school program

·      Opening a book to find one of them had scribbled inside of it

·      Baptizing both boys

·      Sitting by them in church

·      Hiking

·      Skiing

·      Riding rollercoasters

·      Skipping school to go to Disney Land

·      Watching movies

·      Dropping the oldest off late for his first day of high school (a parent fail) 😊

·      Teaching them to drive

·      Cutting and splitting firewood

·      Vacations

·      Holidays

The list goes on and on. Each of these have significance for different reasons. Each of these is marked with some kind of specific moment or memory that stands out for me. They are a constant reminder that I have responsibility to treasure and enjoy the current moments of life.

The things I think matter now so often have no long-term value. It is the rearview mirror of life that shows the value of things. The house will deteriorate, the car will break down, the clothes will wear out, the money, jobs, and titles will come and go, but the relationships of life will last forever. Thus, I am reminded today that I don’t need all that other crap! In the words of Paul in Philippians 3:8 “…I regard them as rubbish (dung)…” The memories, conversations, hugs, our faith, and I love you’s are all that will matter in the end.

Hug your kids and tell someone you love them today!

Your friend,





The Beautiful Struggle of Going Forward