Making Friends and Networking
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Making Friends and Networking

You remember the old statement, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” That still holds true today. Developing relationships is one of the most important things we do.

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Cancer and a Conversation
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Cancer and a Conversation

Let’s be clear, there were 1.9 million new cancer cases in 2022 alone. That doesn’t include spouses, kids, family, and friends who make the journey with those who fight the battle. We spent $208.9 billion on cancer in 2020 and that doesn’t even touch the impact emotionally, relationally, or spiritually. Everyone it seems is dealing with cancer at some level.

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Following Your Passion
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Following Your Passion

The best thing you can do is find the people who believe in you. The people who recognize your gifts and talents. Listen to the people pointing you towards something great. Those are the voices that matter.

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The Courageous Positive Attitude
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

The Courageous Positive Attitude

Most folks don’t make the needed or desired change because they lack the courage to change or are unwilling to take the risk. And you can be courageous in your change, but if your attitude stinks during it, the journey will be awful.

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Career Transitions
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Career Transitions

This past week I spent time talking with 7 different friends regarding professional transitions. I know there are those who find their career and/or calling and never change, but it seems most folks are looking for something new.

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Chasing the Dream
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Chasing the Dream

Don’t miss your chance to chase your dream and live the big adventure.

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Humble Service
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Humble Service

Lead with kindness, humility, and service, and you’ll lead well.

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Kind Leadership
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Kind Leadership

Those of you who know history, know that politics has never been kind.

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Kid Time
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Kid Time

A few weeks ago, our niece stayed with us for a couple of days while her parents were out of town. We had fun! We ate pizza, ice cream, went on a walk and watched Madeline (I believe that’s right) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. One of the mornings, I dropped her off at school and watched her walk in for another day with teachers and friends.

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The Beautiful Struggle of Going Forward
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

The Beautiful Struggle of Going Forward

Over the last two years, my priorities have shifted and I’ve found myself not wanting the same things I did before, and even being uncomfortable staying there. I strive for meaning and connection to what matters most.

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Changing Perspectives
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Changing Perspectives

This past year has changed me, no doubt. I’m more reflective and conscious of how fragile life is.

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Moving Forward
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Moving Forward

I purposely and intentionally choose to love, engage, and have relationship with those who see the world and live different than me.

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The Real Battle is Mental
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

The Real Battle is Mental

Only I could decide how I would view things, respond, and see the immediate struggles. This is where the real battle took place on a daily basis. This was my fight. This is where I would win or lose. The mental battle would decide how I came out on the other side.

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Overwhelmed and Balancing Life
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Overwhelmed and Balancing Life

Believe it or not, it is easy to let others dictate what you think really matters. Others will tell you what you should place value on and how you should prioritize your life. The question is not what they find most important, but what you find most important.

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Overcoming Obstacles
Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

Overcoming Obstacles

Like all of you, we’ve had our ups and downs, our moments of joy and sadness, and days when everything seemed to go right and then suddenly all of it fell apart. It is the nature of life. I would love to say that it is always easy or rosy, but we know that isn’t true or realistic.

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